L2L Teacher Training Certifications

Webinar Module 1:


Title: What a Teacher Can Do to Manage Mental Health Issues in the Classroom

Description Text: Teachers play an essential role in assisting children and adolescents who have mental illness. They can identify and address areas of learning difficulties that are sources of frustrations and lead to emotional and behavioral difficulties.


This module is designed to help teachers:

      • Increase their knowledge of adolescent mental health, including risks and proactive factors
      • Reduce stigma through knowledge, mental health promotion and prevention.
      • Identify common disorders and provide tools to deal with mental health issues in the environment.
      • Develop a proactive approach focused on early intervention and relationship building
      • Develop an action plan to help students who need support.


Please call (800) 209-8114 for scheduling and pricing information.



Webinar Module 2:


Title: Teaching with a Heart - Brain Based Learning

Research shows that the keys of solid teaching are: differentiation of teaching methods according to student needs, incorporation of technology into everyday class time and the development of clear expectations for student internet use in coursework, attainment of active parental involvement, and the enforcement of clear guidelines for classroom behavior and disciplinary matters. Thus, our program consists of five customizable training modules: Brain-Based Learning; 6-10 one hour sessions, Integrating Arts and Technology; 2-4 one hour sessions, 1 hour lab, Research-Based Strategies; 2-4 one hour sessions, Teacher Leadership; 2-5 one hour sessions, and Classroom Management; 4-8 one hour sessions.


Please call (800) 209-8114 for scheduling and pricing information.